
Surely one of the ugliest APIs in the Task Parallel Library is ConfigureAwait:

public ConfiguredTaskAwaitable ConfigureAwait(bool continueOnCapturedContext)

Let’s count the ways this is wrong:

That’s pretty awful. It’s almost like the BCL team thought they might need to add stuff to this API later, and they didn’t want to commit to an API that might therefore need to change. Even so, I feel like a flags enumeration would have been a better choice and would have been more consistent with other TPL APIs.

Anyway, I got really sick of writing (and reading) ConfigureAwait(continueOnAnyContext: false) so I wrote a couple of extension methods to make this nastiness go away:

public static class TaskExtensions
    public static ConfiguredTaskAwaitable ContinueOnAnyContext(this Task @this)
        return @this.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

    public static ConfiguredTaskAwaitable<T> ContinueOnAnyContext<T>(this Task<T> @this)
        return @this.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

Now I can write this code instead:

await SomethingAsync().ContinueOnAnyContext();

This makes the intent of the code far clearer, as well as making it easier to write.

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